Gforth comes with gforth.el, an improved version of forth.el by Goran Rydqvist (included in the TILE package). The improvements are:
feature for looking up the
documentation of a word.
To get a basic description of these features, enter Forth mode and type C-h m.
In addition, Gforth supports Emacs quite well: The source code locations
given in error messages, debugging output (from ~~
) and failed
assertion messages are in the right format for Emacs’ compilation mode
(see Running Compilations under Emacs in Emacs
Manual) so the source location corresponding to an error or other
message is only a few keystrokes away (C-x ` for the next error,
C-c C-c for the error under the cursor).
Moreover, for words documented in this manual, you can look up the
glossary entry quickly by using C-h TAB
, see Documentation
Commands in Emacs Manual). This feature requires Emacs 20.3 or
later and does not work for words containing :